Nov. 2nd during Football Game Halftime
Nov. 2nd during Football Game Halftime •
Holliston Boosters will be hosting its second Duck Drop Fundraiser on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 during halftime at the HHS Football game that starts at 3:00pm. Buy your Ducks (tickets) today - each Duck is $20.00! You can also purchase 3 Ducks for $50 or a Flock of Ducks -10 for $150! All proceeds will benefit Holliston High School Athletics!
Purchase your Ducks for a chance to win a cash prize! On November 2nd we will hoist all of the ducks 30 feet in the air, and drop them on a bullseye. The Duck closest to the bullseye will win a $1,000 cash prize!
All the Ducks will be numbered and you will receive a number corresponding to each duck you purchase. If you purchase your ducks online, you will be emailed with your Duck number(s) prior to the event. You do not have to be present at the event to win. (Please see rules below.)
Buy your Ducks today to support Holliston Athletics!
$1,000 Cash Prize!
Purchase your Ducks today and please note which team you are supporting! The team that sells the most Ducks will receive $500! Cost is $20 per Duck, 3 Ducks for $50 or a Flock of Ducks -10 for $150! PayPal and Credit Cards preferred, but cash or check are also accepted! Winners need not be present to win. All proceeds will benefit Holliston High School Athletics!
Questions? Contact Meg Cotting at megcotting25@gmail.com or Michelle Hastings at michellehastings4@gmail.com
Rules of the HABA Duck Drop:
1.) The rubber Ducks will be dropped from a lift over a ten foot diameter, circular target on the ground. The Duck that comes to rest closest to the target’s center will be the winning Duck. HABA reserves the right to postpone and/or reschedule the event. HABA shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience which may result by any such postponement or rescheduling of the HABA Duck Drop.
2.) All Ducks entered will be provided by and shall remain the property of HABA.
3.) Once the Ducks are dropped they are on their own within the drop zone. No attempt to guide, move or interfere with the Ducks is permitted. The drop will finish when the last Duck has settled on the ground.
4.) A number will be on each Duck corresponding directly to the number randomly assigned to each person’s donation.
5.) The following prizes will be awarded. 1st Place $1,000 and $250 to the team that sells the most Ducks.
6.) In the event of a tie for any positions, they will be grouped together and split equally among the winning Ducks.
7.) Prizes are guaranteed for one year from the HABA Duck Drop date. If prizes are not claimed after one year, the money will be donated to HABA.
8.) Ducks may be obtained for a donation to HABA by cash, check, PayPal, credit or on-line at hollistonboosters.com. The deadline to enter is 3:00PM the day of the Drop. The Drop is scheduled for Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 at approximately 4:00PM on the field at Holliston High School.
A HUGE Thank You to our Duck Drop Sponsors!
Thank you to our GOLD Sponsors:
M.E. Dellicker Construction
• M.E. Dellicker Construction
Thank you to our SILVER Sponsors:
Rodenhiser Excavating, Inc.
Melissa Kaspern RE/MAX
Rodenhiser Excavating, Inc. • Melissa Kaspern RE/MAX •
T.C. Scoops
Firewall Fitness
T.C. Scoops • Firewall Fitness •
Thank you to our BRONZE Sponsors: