Team Liaisons
Fall Sports 2024
Cheer: Erica Olson
XC-Boys: Shannon Cornwell
XC-Girls: Jennifer Stucchi
Field Hockey: Michelle Hastings
Football: Michelle Hastings & Megan Cotting
Golf: Devon Underwood
Soccer-Boys: Christine Reffel
Soccer-Girls: Kylie Williams
Volleyball: Melissa Kaspern
Winter Sports 2024-25
Basketball-Boys: Andrea McHugh
Basketball-Girls: Jennifer Dietz
Boys Ice Hockey: Erica Kuharich
Girls Ice Hockey:* Kylie Williams
Boys Indoor Track: Shannon Cornwell
Girls Indoor Track: Shannon Cornwell
Wrestling: Becky Kiley
Swim & Dive:* Patty Baribeau
Gymnastics:* Kyla Carvalho
Alpine Ski:* Kate Morton
Spring Sports 2025
Baseball: Kim Kafka
LAX-Boys: Michelle Hastings & Megan Cotting
LAX-Girls: Michelle Hastings
Softball: Marni Israel
Tennis-Boys: Margie Winchenbach
Tennis-Girls: Margie Winchenbach
Track-Boys: Shannon Cornwell
Track-Girls: Shannon Cornwell
Ultimate Frisbee: Stacey Raffi
* Co-op team with other area schools (Please note HABA benefits may be adjusted for co-op teams.)
If you are interested in filling an OPEN liaison position please contact Michelle Hastings.
- To make a conscientious and consistent effort to attend all HABA meetings.
- To attend the mandatory pre-season team meeting. During this meeting (at a point agreed to by you and the coach) give an overview of HABA and the projects and fundraising activities planned for the coming year. Answer questions or, if you cannot, note inquiries that should be taken up during HABA board discussion. Talk about the benefits of membership including eligibility for the HABA scholarship. Explain the need for regular volunteer support for the concession stands. Circulate sign-up sheets for concession stand coverage.
- We require that all teams chip-in to cover a minimum of 2 concession shifts per school year for either outdoor and/or indoor concessions. Connect with your team's email list from the current year or last year to put together a shift of adults. Your team will receive concession credit $ to use towards the team's end-of-season banquet or expenses (not applicable towards personalized team apparel).
$100 football game (3-4 people, 3 hours)
$50 other (2 people, 2 hour shift)
- If applicable to your team (football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse and spring track) schedule concession stand coverage during your team’s season. JV parents cover varsity games and varsity parents cover JV games. We never expect you to miss your athlete's game! Use HABA board members and responsible high school seniors as back-up. You will know, via Board discussion, if a concession will operate during your team’s season. Be responsible for ensuring that opening and closing procedures are followed by those covering the concession stand. Procedures will be clearly posted. Your team will receive concession credit $ to use towards the team's end-of-season banquet or expenses (not applicable towards personalized team apparel).
-If your team does not meet this requirement they are not eligible for the benefits HABA offers:
$250+ towards banquet (Co-op teams have adjusted benefits)
$10 per senior for Senior Night
Use of Hudl Coaching/Recruiting
Team Trophy Awards of $20/varsity player per level - TVL/Sectional/State Champ
Team Funding Requests
End-of-Season Certificates
- Follow Athletic Department funding request protocol at all times and work with coaches to ascertain the needs of the team you represent, conveying these needs (or wish list items) to the Board for discussion and/or possible action when appropriate using forms provided. HABA does not pay for personalized gear or uniforms that are required by the School Committee Uniform Policy.
- Request to borrow a 10' x 10' canopy for sun and rain protection, Contact Michelle Hastings for availability.
- Book a team photo for the yearbook with our partner Henry Studio here in Holliston.
- Plan and orchestrate Senior Night at the last home game to recognize senior teammates and their parents. Order flowers through Debra's Flowers, $10 per HHS senior. Tell them this is for seniors night and Debra's will bill HABA. Make sure you indicate your team on order.
- Support the captains' parents with the end-of-season banquet ($250 reimbursement per team with supporting receipts, plus any concession credits earned) *Please note co-op teams have adjusted benefits
- Provide a team roster for end-of-season certificates in an Excel spreadsheet with player's full name, grade and play level, as well as coaches full names at least 2 weeks before banquet. Email spreadsheet to Shannon Cornwell.
* Co-op teams have adjusted benefits based on number of HHS athletes and concession participation
Helpful Reimbursement Links:
- HABA Athletic Team Banquet/Senior Flower Reimbursement Form
Specific responsibilities of Team Liaisons are:
The Holliston Athletic Boosters Association is composed of an executive board consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors, who are also known as Team Liaisons. A Team Liaison is appointed to the Board to represent each of the 26 athletic sports fielded at Holliston High School and provides a conduit between the Board and coaches, players and parents of that team. The liaison shall represent all teams of that sport, which includes Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman, as appropriate. Inasmuch as part of HABA’s role is to serve as a communications vehicle between the high school administration and the parent/volunteer part of the athletic program, Team Liaisons shall keep the Board apprised of the needs and concerns of the teams they represent so that, when necessary, these issues can be communicated to the high school administration.